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Golden boy is about a twenty five year old guy, named kintaro, who had completed all credits for college but dropped out right before graduation. He has decided to study all he. In the case of junk boy this is romance, while in golden boy it is some sort of archievement. There is ecchiness in both series, so if you liked the little nudity in eithe,r you will probably like.
It's sad because it's funny. Funny, pervert, won't get old, entire box set could be on 1 or 2 discs. Anime is far too. The thing that probably seperates golden boy from most harem anime is it's episodic narrative. It's about a young man an an adventure of sorts who meets interesting women. It contains 7 episodes of violence, street fighting, extremly good comedy and insane perversion. It is very masculine and. Similar tv shows to golden boy, like golden boy: • genshiken 2004 tv show • 2. 6/5 japanese manga series by shimoku kio about a college club for otaku.