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9/10 cross game is my first adachi anime, and i was thoroughly impressed by its storytelling. The whole series is slow paced and filled with tension. Despite being somewhat predictable, cross game is well executed. Review by carlo santos, aug 5th 2011 cross game gn 4 synopsis:
Cross game's ending is a good one. The end of cross game is of course a baseball game. It's a fine game, the kind of dryly funny, unpredictable match that the series is known for. Read other reviews of cross game (here we go) cross game an anime based on a manga of the same name created by adachi mitsuru. If i had seen this anime without having read a couple of adachi's works, i think he would have enjoyed it a little. This is my first video anime review. this anime review was written, edited, and narrated by yours truly. cross game on mal: All that being said the animation in cross game won't blow anyone away with detail despite not coming off as a dated production. The op/ed feature somewhat cheesy yet satisfying songs. The overall score suited the subject matter.