retro Anime Aesthetic Gif, Retro Anime Aesthetic, 164.06 kB, 00:07, 67,875, Ishiai, 2018-02-17T20:27:36.000000Z, 19, Retro Aesthetics | Anime Amino,, 500 x 375, animatedgif, retro anime aesthetics, 20, %ef%bb%bfretro-anime-aesthetic-gif, Anime Arts
T. a. t. u. Is a pop duo formed in moscow, russia in 1999 by ivan shapovalov. The group consists of lena katina and yulia volkova. Known worldwide, they are the most successful russian band to date.
Set in a world of anthropomophic dinosaurs, brothers bernie (blue), bruno (pink), bubba (green), buck (yellow) and bugsy (purple) were born with special powers to help fight crime. A new anime movie staring russian pop duo t. a. t. u. Is set to be released in japan in november 2004. The official website for t. a. t. u. Paragate gives no information about the movies plot but does. According to sankei sports, t. a. t. u paragate is set to receive a concurrent theatrical release in japan, russia and europe in november 2004. The movie will cost 500 million yen (us$4. 7m) and will. T. a. t. u. Were formed in 1999 by ivan shapovalov and his friend/business partner alexander voitinskiy, who developed plans to create a musical project in russia.
t.A.T.u. 'Anime Version' by DollMarionette on DeviantArt
T.a.t.u. by tooniegirl on DeviantArt
t.A.T.u. by Eilyn-Chan on DeviantArt

Tatu Anime Ver. by fangirlsmustdie on DeviantArt
T.A.T.u. Paragate (2004 Unreleased Anime Movie) / Топики / cyberia / Клубы / cyberia / Клубы

Crunchyroll - VIDEO: Pop Duo t.A.T.u Featured in Japanese Snickers Promo
t.A.T.u. - Gomenasai - YouTube

t.A.t.U Malchik Gey by dulceq345pucca on DeviantArt

t.A.T.u - Friend or Foe (anime video) - YouTube

t.A.T.u - You and I (anime video) - YouTube